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How many vanilla pods in a Pound (lb), 1Kilogram (kg), 1 Ounce (oz)

How many Sri Lanka vanilla beans in 1 Pound (lb), 1 Kilogram (kg), 1 Ounce (oz) ?

What are the weight of Sri Lanka vanilla beans grades and how many vanilla pods in a Pound (lb), 1Kilogram (kg), 1 Ounce (oz) ?

The weight of vanilla beans grades in Sri Lanka ( or any origins) and number of vanilla pods in a pound or any unit measurement are depend on the vanilla beans moisture level and length of the vanilla bean grades

When we Buy Vanilla Beans Grades (A or B) we need to determine how many beans are in a poundĀ  or the pack. Many Sri Lanka Vanilla beans sellers are not clear as to what is the level of moisture, exact lengths and how many beans in packages. In practically most of Vanilla Bean Manufacturers cannot mention exact information about count of vanilla beans in their unit weight measurement with exact level of moisture percentage. The number of beans in a pound vary with the lengths of Vanilla beans they are receiving from the Vanilla Cultivations, the Grade of the Vanilla , moisture content in vanilla pods and the grading processĀ  during in production process.

What is the moisture levels for Grade B Sri Lanka Vanilla beans?

The grade B Vanilla beans moisture level vary from 15-25%. Therefor the number of vanilla beans in a pound vary

What is the weight of Grade B Sri Lanka Vanilla beans?

The weight of Grade B Vanilla depends on moisture level. Normally if the moisture is less than 15% weight of a bean is 3 grams, 15-20% beans are 4 grams, 20-25% of moisture beans are 5 grams.

What is the weight of Grade A Sri Lanka Vanilla beans?

If grade A beans are 25-30% moisture the weight is 6 grams and 35-40% beans are 7 grams

Below table gives us rough guidance for Vanilla Beans moisture level and number vanilla beans count

Vanilla beans moisture % Weight of each Pod/bean Number of vanilla beans in 1Kilogram Kg = pods in 2.2 lb Number of vanilla beans in 1 pound lb or 16 oz or 0.454 Kg Number of vanilla beans in 8 oz or 1/2 lb pound
or 227 gr
Number of vanilla beans in 4 oz or 1/4 lb pound
or 113 gr
Number of vanilla beans in 2 oz or 1/8 lb pound or 56 gr vanilla beans in 1 oz or 1/16lb pound or 28.35 gr
Grade B <15 % 3 grams 333 beans 151 beans 75.5 beans 37.5 beans 18.75 beans 9.45 beans
Grade B 15-20% 4 grams 250 beans 113 beans 56.5 beans 28.5 beans 14.25 beans 7.08 beans
Grade B 20-25% 5 grams 200 beans 90 beans 45 beans 22.5 beans 11.25 beans 5.67 beans
Grade A 25-30% 6 grams 167 beans 75.66 beans 37.8 beans 19 beans 9.4 beans 4.7 beans
Grade A >35% 7 grams 143 beans 65 beans 32.4 beans 16.2 beans 8 beans 4 beans

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